
Understanding the Lufthansa 747 Rough Landing LAX: A Unique Story


Hey there, little buddy! Today, we’re going to talk about a big airplane called the Lufthansa 747 and something interesting that happened when it landed at the Los Angeles International Airport, also known as LAX. This airplane had a rough landing, which means it bounced around a bit before it could land safely. Let’s learn more about this story together!

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What Happened?

So, what happened with the Lufthansa 747 LAX? On April 24th, 2024, a big airplane called a Boeing 747-8I was flying from Frankfurt, Germany, to Los Angeles, USA. This airplane had 326 passengers and 19 crew members on board. When it tried to land at LAX, it didn’t land smoothly. Instead, it bounced on the runway, which is where airplanes land and take off.

The Bouncy Landing

The rough landing happened because a pilot was training. This means the pilot was learning how to fly the big airplane better. When the airplane tried to land, it hit the runway hard, causing the landing gear (the wheels of the airplane) to make a lot of tire smoke. The airplane then bounced back up into the air, tried to land again, bounced a second time, and finally went back up to try one more time baddies west.

The Second Attempt

After bouncing twice, the pilot decided to fly around the airport again and try to land one more time. This is called a “go-around.” The airplane circled the airport, which means it flew in a big circle, and then came back to land safely on the second attempt. 

People’s Reactions

The rough landing was caught on camera by a person named Kevin Ray, who runs a YouTube channel called Airline Videos Live. Many people watched the video and talked about it. That is the roughest landing I think we have ever caught on our broadcast. Holy moly.”

Lufthansa’s Statement

Lufthansa, the airline that owns the airplane, made a statement to explain what happened. They said that the rough landing happened during a training flight. This means that the pilot was practicing how to land the airplane better. They also said that after checking the airplane carefully, it flew back to Frankfurt without any damage.

Boeing’s Strong Airplanes

Many people praised the airplane for being so strong. Comments on YouTube and other places talked about how tough the airplane’s landing gear and tires are. People said things like, “Amazing strength on the landing gears. The queen never disappoints,” and “This plane can handle a lot more than anyone knows.”

Safety and Inspections

They looked at the airplane carefully and found no damage. This means the airplane was still safe to fly. Lufthansa made sure to check everything to keep their passengers and crew safe.

Rough Landings Happen

It’s important to know that rough landings happen sometimes. They are not very common, but they do occur. Pilots are trained to handle these situations and make sure everyone on board stays safe. 

Training Makes Perfect

Training flights are very important. Pilots need to practice so they can fly the airplane safely. Even though this landing was rough, it was a good learning experience for the pilot. Practice helps pilots get better and ensures that they can handle different situations in the future.


So, that’s the story of the Lufthansa 747 rough landing at LAX. We also talked about how strong the airplane is and why training flights are important. Now you know all about the Lufthansa 747 and its adventurous landing at LAX!

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